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"You see, Massa 'Plinter, I am desirable to serve you; it is good for me at present to make some friend wid the hofficer of de squadron, being as how dat I am absent widout leave. If you will promise dat you will stand my friends, I will put you in de way of getting a shove across to de east end of Jamaica; and I will go wid you, too, for company.

Where have you dropped from, gentlemen? Where is de old Torch? Many a time hab I, Peter Mangrove, pilot to him Britannic Majesty's squadron, taken de old brig in and through amongst de keys at Port Royal." "She will never give you that trouble again, my boy foundered all hands lost, Peter, but the two you see before you." "Werry sorry, Massa 'Plinter, werry sorry.

The negro looked steadfastly at us, then carefully around. There was no one near. "You see, Massa Plinter, I am desirable to serve you, for one little reason of my own; but, beside dat, it is good for me at present to make some friend wid de hofficer of de squadron, being as how dat I am absent widout leave." "Oh, I perceive a large R against your name in the master attendant's books, eh?"

His Majesty's pilot gave a knowing look, and laid his hand on his breast "No more of dat if you love me, massa." "Well, well, it don't signify now, my boy; she will never give you that trouble again foundered all hands lost, Peter, but the two you see before you." "Werry sorry, Massa Plinter, werry sorry What! de black cooksmate and all? But misfortune can't be help.