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And it passes me, my lord king, how thou couldst ever think to suffer her to be burned. 'She was charged with poisoning a knight who slandered her, said the king. 'I must see justice done on high and low, and though it grieved me to condemn her, I could do naught else. Moreover, if Sir Pinel spoke true, both you and she were conspiring to slay me and to rule this kingdom in my stead.

Rarey with Cruiser, Richard with Lady Ann, Pinel with his crazy people, show what steady nerves can do with the most intractable of animals, the most irresistible of despots, and the most unmanageable of invalids. If you cannot acquire and keep the confidence of your patient, it is time for you to give place to some other practitioner who can.

At that period, Pinel advanced the revolutionary idea that insanity was not a sin, but a disease like all other diseases. This idea is now a commonplace, but in his time it revolutionized the world. It seemed as though this innovation inaugurated by Pinel would overthrow the world and the foundations of society.

Then, turning, he savagely looked at the queen, and with fierce rolling eyes he roared out: 'Thou art the murderess! Thou the queen! Hear me, knights and chieftains. I charge the queen with the murder of my kinsman, Sir Pinel, and justice upon her will I have. Every one in the hall stood still as if they were of stone.

And men noticed that it was not long before the queen began to look coldly at Sir Pinel, and then they knew that his rumours had reached her ears. 'What profit doth Sir Pinel think to gain from those false tales of her? said Sir Brastias one day, as he and Sir Gareth came from the hawking together. 'For none ever reckoned him as a knight of any merit, and all good men will now think less of him.