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"The children had nothing to do with it," said Phillis. "Master wanted some roots to give to Mr. Kent and he asked me for 'em. I dug 'em up and they're all the better for being thinned out." "I wish master'd mind his own business, and not be pryin and pilferin 'bout other people's gardens; givin my flowers to that yallow-headed Abolitioner. I'll speak my mind to him about it, any how."

Why didn't you fry 'em a little more?" Phillis not minding him, he condescended to eat them all, and to do justice to the meal in general. "The old fool," thought Phillis, amused and provoked; "talkin of master's pilferin never mind, I've put his ruffled shirt out, and he'll get in a good humor when he sees it, I reckon."

Like the woman of spirit she was, she jumped out of bed, crept downstairs to the kitchen, picked up the broom, and listened, with her hand on the latch of the back-door. She heard the scrape of a toe-plate on the wall outside. This was too much. "You mean, sneakin', snivellin', pilferin', egg-stealin' highwayman!" cries she, and lets fly.

Pilferin' and Bilberin'. Khapana and Hopper. Hoppera-glasses. The little wooden Bear. Huckeny Ponkee, Hanky Panky, Hocus-pocus, and Hokkeny Baro. Burning a Gipsy Witch alive in America. Daniel in the Lions' Den. Gipsy Life in Summer. The Gavengroes. The Gipsy's Story of Pitch- and-Toss. "You didn't fight your Stockings off?" The guileless and venerable Gipsy.

"I know, old dog, that ye have seed me line the sights on the vagabonds, when ye and me have ketched 'em pilferin' the traps or tamperin' with the line, and I have trusted yer nose as often as my own eyes in trackin' the knaves when they'd got the start of us.