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Many's the blanket her's gen to poor folk; and my owd mother sees her every week but her's never shook hands wi' her yet. Eh, measter, won ye go?" This last remark was bellowed after Captain Rothesay, whose horse had commenced a sudden canter, which ceased not until its owner dismounted at the parsonage-gate. This gate formed the boundary of the garden, and a most lovely spot it was.

It need hardly he said that she paid no visit to Miss Le Smyrger's house on that afternoon; but she might have known something of Captain Broughton's approach without going thither. His road to the Combe passed by the parsonage-gate, and had Patience sat even at her bedroom window she must have seen him.

They had come back to the parsonage-gate, and Lady Elizabeth set Violet down, promising to write as soon as she arrived at Gothlands; Arthur was sauntering in the garden, and as soon as the carriage was out of sight, came to meet her. 'O, Arthur, Lady Elizabeth wanted to speak to you. Cannot you catch her? 'I? No. Nonsense. 'She wanted to ask you about Mr. Gardner.

It need hardly be said that she paid no visit to Miss Le Smyrger's house on that afternoon; but she might have known something of Captain Broughton's approach without going thither. His road to the Colne passed by the parsonage-gate, and had Patience sat even at her bedroom window she must have seen him.

Closing the Parsonage-gate, the first thing she did was to creep across the long grass to her mother's grave. "Oh, mother, mother! why did you go and leave me? I should never have loved any one if my mother had not died!" And burning tears fell, and burning blushes came.

It was the quixoticism of self-degradation, but was doubtless not without some wholesome influence. In three minutes more they were at the Parsonage-gate. They made a stretcher of the sleigh-robe, and carried Sophie in on it. The gate, flapping-to behind them, sounded like a fretful and querulous complaint.