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"Oh, sir!" said Amyas, with tears in his honest eyes, "you have shown yourself once more what you always have been my dear and beloved master on earth, not second even to my admiral Sir Francis Drake." "Or the queen, I hope," said Grenville, smiling, "but pocas palabras. What will you do?"

Numbering at least three thousand, they encamped on the esplanade, where Requesens appeared before them alone on horseback, and made them an oration. They listened with composure, but answered briefly and with one accord, "Dineros y non palabras," dollars not speeches. Requesens promised profusely, but the time was past for promises.

DON EDUARDO. ¡Oh! ¡Qué fortuna! BRUNO. ¡Fortuna! DON EDUARDO. La de no morirme aquí de repente al oír semejante desengaño. DON EDUARDO. ¿Y D. Pedro, por supuesto se serviría de palabras agrias y malsonantes? BRUNO. Oh no señor; el amo es incapaz de.... DON EDUARDO. Pero al menos se expresaría ... así ... con cierta sequedad ... ¿eh?

Numbering at least three thousand, they encamped on the esplanade, where Requesens appeared before them alone on horseback, and made them an oration. They listened with composure, but answered briefly and with one accord, "Dineros y non palabras," dollars not speeches. Requesens promised profusely, but the time was past for promises.

Ah! thou hast the palabras, and the knee, and the cap, and the quip, and the innuendo, and the true town fashion of it all no old tarry-breeks of a sea-dog, like thy dad! My lord, you'll let them fight?" "The Spaniard, sir; but no one else.

Numbering at least three thousand, they encamped on the esplanade, where Requesens appeared before them alone on horseback, and made them an oration. They listened with composure, but answered briefly and with one accord, "Dineros y non palabras," dollars not speeches. Requesens promised profusely, but the time was past for promises.