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But in finding horses, somebody made a little noise, and the Mexicans fired wildly into the darkness. However, answering not, and leading the horses out a short way, step by step, they were ready to vault on. "Anybody hurt?" "A bullet has gone through my body," said Konate. "But I will try to ride." "We must hurry," spoke Painted-red. The camp was all aroused. "Someone help Konate."

The head chief of the party was old Do-has-an, or Bluff. But he did not command. Gua-da-lon-te, or Painted-red, was the war chief. Dohasan would take command only in case Gua-da-lon-te was killed. Among the warriors there were Dagoi, and Kon-a-te, whose name means "Black-tripe."

For, listen: Meanwhile the Painted-red party were riding on, and in the Staked Plain they met six Comanches, bound to Mexico after plunder. They spoke to the Comanches regarding Konate, and asked them to cover his body so that the wolves should not get it. This the Comanches promised to do, and continued to the Sun-mountain Spring where Konate had been left to die.

The Mexican soldiers must have struck their trail, or perhaps had followed them from El Paso; for early in the morning there was a sudden shooting from all around, and much yelling. Bullets whined and spatted, and horses screamed and fell over. "Into the cave!" shouted Painted-red. "Quick!" Hustled by old Bluff and Painted-red, into the cave they bolted.