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It had spoiled all the happiness in the visit, except of course her happiness over his recovery. When the two girls reached the head of the stairs, the door to the ward opened and the nurse looked out. She exchanged a smiling nod with Otoyo. "Why, Miss Sen, you naughty little thing, I believe this visit was all arranged beforehand," exclaimed Molly.

"I say it is not easy to believe that is true," said Otoyo, repeating her words with the precision of a Japanese. Molly rose to her feet, and grasping Otoyo's hands pulled her up. "I can't talk sitting on the floor, Otoyo. Come over here and sit on the bed where I can look at you. Now, tell me exactly what you meant by that speech."

I never did feel hopeless about them, but this Adele, who doesn't recognize her own mother well " "Ah, well," broke in Otoyo. "She is what we call in Japan 'evil spirit, or 'black spirit. She will not remain because there are so many good spirits. She will fly away." "On a broomstick," put in Edith. "But Minerva Higgins, there is some greatly big news about her. You have not heard?"

"You are much too small and feeble to come out in all this weather, Otoyo," she said, slipping her arm through her friend's. "You are so tiny you might easily fall into a puddle and drown." "Ah, thees is notheeng," cried Otoyo. "In Japan it rains oceans! And for so long. Days and days without refraining from."