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"'Mister Ondertaker an' Chairman, says Jim Hamilton, 'I yields to an inward impulse to say that this yere play weighs on me plumb heavy. As keeper of the dance-hall I sees a heap of the corpse an' knows him well. Mister King is my friend, an' while his moods is variable an' oncertain; an' it's cl'arly worth while to wear your gun while he's hoverin' near, I loves him.

"Yes, SIR! Well, you see, this yer ondertaker, this Wilkins, hed a way of correctin' all thet. And just by manniperlation. He worked over the face of the deceased ontil he perduced what the survivin' relatives called a look of resignation, you know, a sort of smile, like.

Widdecombe lost her husband, 'bout two months ago, though she'd been through the valley of the shadder of death twice this bein' her third marriage, hevin' been John Barker's widder " The Other Man: "Well, I swow." The One Man: "Well, this Widder Widdecombe, she put up a big funeral for the deceased. She hed Wilkins, and thet ondertaker just laid hisself out. Just spread hisself.

"Yes, well, I reckon he was at one time as poplar an ondertaker ez I knew." I think Dr. Wylie hed him under conviction. Et least that was the way I got it from HIM." A long, dreary pause. I don't know the facts, but that's what's got round." The Other Man: "But how did he lose his poplarity?" The One Man: "Well, that's the question. You see he interduced some things into ondertaking that waz new.