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Updated: November 17, 2024

"Nyste sort of a job, Master Tom," he said, "clearing up the bits arter robbers and thieves; but there you never knows what you may come to in this life." The next moment Tom had to duck his head to avoid a blow as the ladder was swung round; and that morning Mrs Fidler, who knew nothing of what had happened, took Tom aside directly after breakfast.

"I shall have to ask him for it," muttered the old man, "or else there'll be a row." Just at that moment, as luck had it, Mrs Mostyn came along, with scissors and basket, to cut a few dahlias, and, in obedience to a sudden thought, old Tummus raised the fruit by the stalk and stepped toward his mistress, offering her the pear. "Strange nyste pear, mum," he said. "And ripe so soon.

"Pray, go up to the house to the library, you boys you, sir, follow me." Courtenay and Philip went on in advance, Sir Francis followed, and we were bringing up the rear when Ike exclaimed in remonstrance: "That ain't fair, master. You ought to sep'rate them two or a nyste bit of a tale they'll make up between them." "You insolent scoundrel!" roared Sir Francis.

"It's very nyste of you, sir, to think so much about the enemies as nearly killed our Mr Russell, I didn't think nothing o' them. I was hard at it about our poor chaps as has been knocked about, and the way they bear it all without hollering is, I says, sir, a credit to a Englishman, let alone a Scotchman such as Dick Bannock is.

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