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The declaration made in the text 'whatever he does with knowledge that is more vigorous, viz. that the knowledge of the Udgitha has for its result non-obstruction of the result of the sacrifice, implies that the result of works actually performed may be obstructed. Here terminates the adhikarana of 'the Agnihotra and the rest.

Here terminates the adhikarana of 'wishes and the rest' There is non-restriction of determination, because this is seen; for there is a separate fruit, viz. non-obstruction. There are certain meditations connected with elements of sacrificial actions; as e.g. Moreover the statement referring to these meditations, viz.

This the Sutra means when saying, 'for separate is non-obstruction. As thus those meditations also which refer to auxiliary members of sacrifices have their own results, they may or may not be combined with the sacrifices, according to wish. Their case is like that of the godohana vessel which, with the view of obtaining a certain special result, may be used instead of the kamasa.

He only indeed who is qualified for the sacrifice is qualified for the meditation, since the latter aims at greater efficaciousness of the sacrifice; but this does not imply that the meditation necessarily goes with the sacrifice. By the greater vigour of the sacrifice is meant its non-obstruction by some other sacrificial work of greater strength, its producing its effect without any delay.