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Although Van Horn did not know it, at this challenge he experienced the hair-pricking sensations in his scalp that Jerry experienced when he bristled his back. "Hey, Borckman," he called. "Man the whaleboat." When the whaleboat was alongside, he descended into it first, superiorly, then invited Nau-hau to accompany him.

Van Horn had paid the money where it was due; Nau-hau, by virtue of kingship, had robbed Sati's father of Sati's labour before Van Horn's eyes. But Nau-hau was not above strutting. He declined a proffered present of tobacco, bought a case of stick tobacco from Van Horn, paying him five pounds for it, and insisted on having it sawed open so that he could fill his pipe.

Van Horn held up his hand. "Too much hurry you fella Nau-hau. Him fella Sati buy 'm slop chest along plantation two tens pounds and one fella pound. Belong Sati he finish altogether two tens pounds and six fella pounds." "What name stop two tens pounds and six fella pounds?" Nau-hau continued inflexibly. "Stop 'm along me," the captain answered curtly.

"What name belong you?" "Me fella Nino," was the quavering response. "Him fella Sati belong along me." Van Horn glanced for verification to Nau-hau, who nodded affirmation in the reverse Solomon way; whereupon Van Horn counted twenty-six gold sovereigns into the hand of Sati's father. Immediately thereafter Nau-hau extended his hand and received the sum.

And each Somo boy sat on his trade-box to prevent it from being tossed into the waiting canoes by some Langa-Langa boy. In half an hour the riot departed ashore. Only several canoes lingered, and from one of these Van Horn beckoned aboard Nau-hau, the biggest chief of the stronghold of Langa-Langa.