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"I had a scheme," he nodded south in the direction of Medicine Mountain "but the reds can't come. I had t' go slow. There's women in th' fambly. Nat'lly, all the men up and down the Muddy want t' see Lancaster stay. There's been a dude fr'm Bismarck here, off and on tony cuss, sleeps between sheets, nice about his paws as a cat. He's been ready t' tattle or roll a gun." Braden sniffed.

"Poor fellow!" said the young man, fixing his keen, mocking blue eye on him; "but I suppose you'd let me have him for that, out of a particular regard for me." "Well, the young lady here seems to be sot on him, and nat'lly enough." "O! certainly, there's a call on your benevolence, my friend.

Gals is nat'lly made contrary; and so, if you thinks they've gone one road, it is sartin you'd better go t' other, and then you'll be sure to find 'em. Now, my private 'pinion is, Lizy took der road; so I think we'd better take de straight one."

Mas'rs is used to havin' all these yer things done for 'em, and nat'lly they don't think so much on 't. They can't be spected to, no way. Set him 'longside of other Mas'rs who's had the treatment and livin' I've had? And he never would have let this yer come on me, if he could have seed it aforehand. I know he wouldn't."

"Them that's got money to spend that ar way, it's all well enough. I shall bid off on that ar boy for a plantation-hand; wouldn't be bothered with her, no way, not if they'd give her to me," said Haley. "She'll take on desp't," said the man. "Nat'lly, she will," said the trader, coolly.