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The audience waited for the continuation of the speech, as if they knew from experience the exact distance off it lay in the future. The clerk swallowed nothing as if it were a great deal, and then went on, 'There's some'at between 'em: mark my words, naibours there's some'at between 'em. 'D'ye mean it? 'I d' know it. He came last Saturday, didn't he?

Evona, I am that honest lawyer who never tooke fees on both sides, or pleaded in a bad cause, nor did I ever set my Naibours together by the ears, or lived by the sins of the People. Well, then, said St. Peter, come in. This newes coming down to Rome, a witty poet wrote on St. Evona's tomb these words: 'St. Evona un Briton, Advocat non Larron. Hallelujah.

"He saith yt he liued neare neighbour, to goodwife Clawson many years & did allways observe her to be a woman for pease and to counsell for pease & when she hath had prouacations from her neighbours would answer & say we must liue in pease for we are naibours & would neuer to my obseruation giue threatning words nor did I look at her as one giuen to malice; & further saith not

He then fancied he heard footsteps in the hall, and sundry movements of the door-knob, but nobody appeared. 'Perhaps they beant at home, sighed the driver. 'And I promised myself a bit of supper in Pa'son Swancourt's kitchen. Sich lovely mate-pize and figged keakes, and cider, and drops o' cordial that they do keep here! 'All right, naibours!