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"N-nothing," Amy answered a little sheepishly. "I thought I heard a little rustling among the leaves, that's all." "Probably a breeze coming up," said Betty matter-of-factly, and they went on with their berry picking. But it was not long before a second disturbance came, and this time they all heard it. It was, as Amy had said, a rustling sound.

He looked at her as though sure that one of them must have lost his sense. "Where is De Folligny?" he growled. "How should I know?" He took her by the elbows and looked into her eyes. "He has gone?" "Yes." "What happened?" "N-nothing." She met his eyes with a clear gaze a whimsical smile twisting her lips. "You know, Philidor," she said quietly, "I don't like to be kissed unless unless "

For goodness sake, stop! Don't make an exhibition of yourself. What is the matter with you? She. N-nothing. I'm better now. He. That's all right. One moment, dear. There's a little wisp of hair got loose from behind your right ear and it's straggling over your cheek. So! She. Thank'oo. I'm 'fraid my hat's on one side, too. He. What do you wear these huge dagger bonnet-skewers for?

Her eyes swerved a little under his level gaze. "Oh, but I've done nothing n-nothing," she stammered. Then, at the light tap of crutches on a bare floor she turned in obvious relief. "Oh, here's mother. She's been in visiting with Mrs. Delano, our landlady. Mother, Mr. Arkwright is here." Meanwhile, speeding north as fast as steam could carry them, were the bride and groom.