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Mustering-out pay is a large item of our war liquidation expense; it will total 2.5 billion dollars in the fiscal year 1946, and about 500 million dollars in the fiscal year 1947. In the fiscal year 1947 the strength of our armed forces will still be above the ultimate peacetime level.

The least to which they are entitled, it seems to me, is something like this: First, mustering-out pay to every member of the armed forces and merchant marine when he or she is honorably discharged; mustering- out pay large enough in each case to cover a reasonable period of time between his discharge and the finding of a new job.

1 Excludes exports for lend-lease and relief which are included in Federal Government expenditures. 2 Mainly government expenditures for other than goods and services, such as mustering-out pay and unemployment compensation. Unemployment has increased less than was expected during this first period of demobilization and reconversion.

Mustering-out pay is a large item of our war liquidation expense; it will total 2.5 billion dollars in the fiscal year 1946, and about 500 million dollars in the fiscal year 1947. In the fiscal year 1947 the strength of our armed forces will still be above the ultimate peacetime level.

This made me grasp the fact that I had exceeded authority, and I could only answer, "Well, I did pardon him, anyhow, and he has gone with the rest"; whereupon the mustering-out officer sank back in his chair and remarked, "He was sentenced by a court martial, and the sentence was approved by the major-general commanding the division. You were a lieutenant-colonel, and you pardoned him.

Very soon after that, Sherman received orders from me to proceed to Washington City, and to go into camp on the south side of the city pending the mustering-out of the troops. There was no incident worth noting in the march northward from Goldsboro, to Richmond, or in that from Richmond to Washington City.