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In putting away clothing, blankets, &c., look all over, and brush and shake with the utmost care before folding, in order to get rid of any possible moth-eggs. If matting is used, wipe it with borax-water, using a cloth wet enough to dampen but not wet. Window-glass thoroughly washed can be dried and polished with old newspapers; or whiting can be used, and rubbed off with a woolen cloth.

And his cat met him, and then his mother met him. "Where were you, dear?" his mother asked. "I was helping the tree-men paint egg-spots. How big are moth-eggs, mother?" But his mother didn't know. And that's all. Once upon a time there was a little boy, and he was almost five years old, and his name was David.

If feathers have suffered from damp, they should be held near the fire for a few minutes, and restored to their natural state by the hand or a soft brush, or re-curled with a blunt knife, dipped in very hot water. Furs and feathers not in constant use should be wrapped up in linen washed in lye. From May to September they are subject to being made the depository of moth-eggs.

Repeat this till the bonnet is as dark a straw color as you wish. Press it on the wrong side with a warm iron, and it will look like a new Leghorn. About the last of May, or the first of June, the little millers, which lay moth-eggs begin to appear. Therefore brush all your woollens, and pack them away in a dark place covered with linen.