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Because Satan watches to spoil, by mistiming as well as by corrupting whatever thou shalt do for God. This is the way to be profitable unto others. As God said to Coniah, 'Did not thy father eat and drink, and do judgment and justice, and then it was well with him? Eighth.

Watch, then, for the opportunity: Because it is God's season, which without doubt is the best season and time for every purpose. Because Satan watches to spoil, by mistiming as well as by corrupting whatever thou shalt do for God. "When I would do good," says Paul, "evil is present;" that is, either to withdraw me from my purpose, or else to infect my work.

As it was, the better part of the roof caved in, the result of slight mistiming on the part of the squirrel. "I wish you wouldn't do that," said the dormouse. He was addressing vacancy, for the squirrel had in the mean time completed the circuit of three tree-tops. She was back again, however, in time to catch the next remark. "Have you any nuts?" said the dormouse.

"If," replied I, with somewhat a pleasanter air, "there was any mistiming in the case, it must lie on the part of those plotters for timing the breaking forth of their plot while my book was printing, for I can bring very good proof that my book was in the press and well-nigh wrought off before any man talked or knew of a plot, but those who were in it."

Now, to be hearing when we should be preaching and doing, that is, yielding active obedience to that under which we ought to suffer, is not good. And herein we ought to follow his steps. Good things mistimed, are fruitless, unprofitable, and vain. As things must have their right time, so they must be rightly placed; for the misplacing of any work is as bad as the mistiming of it.