United States or Grenada ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Deep and ghostly with white mist-wraiths was the forest, shouldering close to the living water, pierced with pine, shadowy with trembling maple, waist-high with ferns. She looked about with the old love of the wild stirring dumbly under the greater feeling that weighted her soul with iron and wondered vaguely what had come over the woods and the waters that their familiar faces were changed.

The fog that had obscured our sight outside the Golden Gate was now gone vanished like the mist-wraiths of the long-ago philosophers, and the glorious city of San Francisco was revealed to view. I say "glorious," but the term must be understood to apply only to the city's surroundings, which were in truth magnificent.

Towards evening all transports had disappeared, and cruisers and destroyers resumed a leisurely patrol. That was Saturday. In the early light of next morning, while the mist-wraiths still clung to the hills and filled the dongas, Mac was disturbed in his breakfast preparations by the sound of a heavier cannonade than usual to the south.

That would be it. Remembering all the waste of fear, how he would stand and SMILE! He was smiling himself, the golden gorse about him already losing its flame in the light returning mist-wraiths closing again over it, when I heard a sound far away and high up the moor. It sounded like the playing of a piper. He did not seem to notice it. "We shall be shut in again," he said.

To rest again under the lee of Rippon Tor swept by the strong peat-smelling breeze; to stare untired at the long cloud- shadowed reaches, and watch the mist-wraiths huddle and shrink round the stones of blood; until my sacrifice too was accomplished, and my soul had fled.