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"Yes: and why, sir?" asked Mr. Roundjacket, evidently with the intention of answering his own question. "I don't know," replied Verty. "Because, then, sir, the author may read his work to his wife, which is a circumstance productive of great pleasure on both sides, you perceive." "It might be, but I think it might'nt, sir?" Verty said. "How, might'nt be?"

A stalwart drover who was sitting opposite to me at the rude table, murmured from the depths of his great beard, in an oracular whisper, "The smell of speerits might'nt be agreeble like to the lady." In vain I protested that I did not mind it in the least; tea and coffee was the order of the evening, and solemn silence and good behaviour. No smoking, no songs, no conviviality of any sort.

"A tiny caterpillar!" she explained. "Another minute and you'd have had it down your neck." "It would have come back though," he said with a gruff laugh. "It might'nt have," returned Judy. "But look; it's awfully beautiful!" They examined it for a moment, all five of them, and then Judy set it down carefully in the ditch and watched it march away towards the safer hedge.

"Captain Jackson," said Gerald imploringly; "I am sufficiently aware of all the enormity of my crime, and am prepared to expiate it; but in mercy spare the bitterness of reproach." Every body might'nt believe you so innocent as we do. "Innocent! Captain Jackson," exclaimed Gerald, losing sight of all other feelings in unfeigned surprise "I cannot say that I quite understand you."

"Captain Jackson," said Gerald imploringly; "I am sufficiently aware of all the enormity of my crime, and am prepared to expiate it; but in mercy spare the bitterness of reproach." Every body might'nt believe you so innocent as we do. "Innocent! Captain Jackson," exclaimed Gerald, losing sight of all other feelings in unfeigned surprise "I cannot say that I quite understand you."