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That to attempt to move the Mestua Mountain would be a task not less hopeless: that I might as well endeavour to walk up our great Cataract without being engulfed in the sea of foaming waters! Not one offered encouragement to proceed with the good work. Neither their arguments nor their prayers deterred me. I proceeded cautiously, but with a resolution that feared not death.

Let your ships he harder than the rocks, swifter than the message-bird, more buoyant than the swan, and as enduring as the Mestua Mountain." Our ships are of peculiar form and construction, and of all but exhaustless strength and durability. In ancient times the form of a fish had been taken as a model for their construction, and the same form was continued for centuries.

Precious as the fat on the serpent's head is the marrow of thy bones. Firm as the Mestua Mountain is thy will. In thy goodness thy maker must rejoice. Thy constant love doth make me live many lives in one; a day seemeth a year, and a year but a day. Rise, wet thy feet, and onward let us go to Stainer's fount. There to calm our thirst before singing to our Maker's praise.

The "mind-tamers" attending madmen who were numerous when I began to reign carried with them this fat, and sometimes the head itself, as an antidote against the contagion of insanity. The Mestua Mountain. The largest in Montalluyah, supposed to be the firmest and most lasting of mountains.