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The country of old was divided into two parts, Upper Egypt, as it is now called, with Thebes for its principal city, extending from the first cataract, near Syene, to the Memphian district; and Lower Egypt, embracing the rest of the country on the north, including the Delta. The two divisions were marked by differences of dialect and of customs.

Denham, if we fail to do a bit of Switzerland on foot. Rather than have that happen I would undertake the expedition alone. It would be mere martyrdom, though, without company." As Lynde turned the handle of the carriage door and planted his foot on the first step, he ventured a glance at Miss Ruth, who was sitting there with a face as impenetrable as that of the Memphian Sphinx.

"The gods have dealt heavily with Mentu," he said after a little silence. "Not even the body of his son returned to him for burial!" Har-hat, who had been perched on the arm of Ta-meri's chair, broke in. "Mayhap the young man is not dead," he surmised. "All the Memphian nome hath been searched, my Lord," Menes protested.

They play with the plumes of the whispering palm For me, alas! no more; Nor more does the Nile in the moonlit calm Moan past the Memphian shore. O Nilus! thou god of my fainting soul!

So I swung into the deep seat of the stolen saddle, and lightly touched the lotus-loving Memphian with both spurs. First, a reeling, dancing, uncertain panorama of buildings, fences, and spectators; then a mechanical response to the surging, jerking, concussive saddle, and a guarded strain on the dragging reins.

At their feet, in beautifully-ornamented tombs, slept the mummies of their faithful subjects, and opposite the monument of the pious Menkera stood a temple, where prayers were said by the priests for the souls of the many dead buried in the great Memphian city of the dead.