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"Ibam forte viâ sacrâ, sicut meus est mos, Nescio quid meditans nugarum, et totus in illis; Accurrit quidam notus mihi nomine tantum, Arrep " "A note, my Lord," and the steward placed a most diminutive note in R 's hand. It ran thus: "My Lord and Gentlemen, "I will accompany you to the Casino this evening at 8. I feel it my duty to show you all the attention I can. "Yours faithfully, "A l r C ."

The book was, for the most part, written in the early part of the year, when the interest which the task created in the Author was undivided by other subjects of excitement, and he had leisure enough not only to be 'nescio quid meditans nugarum, but also to be 'totes in illis. I originally intended to adapt the story of Eugene Aram to the Stage.

While all around me were vigilant, I have not laid me down to sleep even for the luxury of a poet's dream. Like the school boy, I have considered study as study, but action as delight. Nevertheless, whatever I have seen, or heard, or felt, has been treasured in my memory, and brooded over by my thoughts. I now place the result before you, "Sicut meus est mos, Nescio quid meditans nugarum;

Their blood is in me, their lusts my waves. I moved among them on the frozen Liffey, that I, a changeling, among the spluttering resin fires. I spoke to no-one: none to me. The dog's bark ran towards him, stopped, ran back. Dog of my enemy. I just simply stood pale, silent, bayed about. Terribilia meditans. A primrose doublet, fortune's knave, smiled on my fear.

"Sicut meus est mos, Nescio quid meditans nugarum; but not, perhaps, totus in illis." Whatever society whether in a higher or lower grade I have portrayed, my sketches have been taken rather as a witness than a copyist; for I have never shunned that circle, nor that individual, which presented life in a fresh view, or man in a new relation. With regard to myself I have been more candid.