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If you ask me what I think of those I have seen, I must say, that 'sunt plura bona, quaedam mediocria, et quaedam Your report of future changes, I cannot think is wholly groundless; for it still runs strongly in my head, that the mine we talked of will be sprung, at or before the end of the session.

'He went, it has been said, 'with a great swing; but he never tumbled over; he always managed to pull up 'before there was any danger. He was an odd man to have inherited Hampden's motto; still, in fact, there was a great trace in him of mediocria firma as much, probably, as there could be in anyone of such great vivacity and buoyancy.

If you ask me what I think of those I have seen, I must say, that 'sunt plura bona, quaedam mediocria, et quaedam Your report of future changes, I cannot think is wholly groundless; for it still runs strongly in my head, that the mine we talked of will be sprung, at or before the end of the session.

The explanation of this circumstance is perhaps contained in the motto which Sir Nicholas Bacon inscribed over the entrance of his hall at Gorhambury, Mediocria firma. This maxim was constantly borne in mind by himself and his colleagues. They were more solicitous to lay the foundations of their power deep than to raise the structure to a conspicuous but insecure height.