United States or Angola ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Tom stared, for this was to his way of thinking impossible. "Are you sure you are right, uncle? Because if you are not, it would be so much trouble for nothing." "Let's prove it," said Uncle Richard, smiling. "Go to the kitchen door, and ask the cook for a couple of good-sized pieces of salt and the meat-saw."

"Life preservers," chanted Tish's subconscious self, "rubber blankets, small tent, folding camp-beds, a camp-stove, a meat-saw, a wood-saw, and some beads and gewgaws for placating the Indians." Then she opened her eyes and took up her knitting. "There are no worms in Canada, Lizzie, just as there are no snakes in Ireland. They were all destroyed during the glacial period."

One three-gallon porcelain-lined kettle, to be kept only for preserving. One four or six quart one, for apple sauce, &c. One tea-kettle. One large and one small frying-pan. Two Russia or sheet iron dripping-pans; one large enough for a large turkey. Two gem-pans with deep cups. Two long-handled spoons. Two spoons with shorter handles. One large meat-fork. One meat-saw. One cleaver. One griddle.

The first must stand as near the sink and fire as possible; and close to it, on a dresser, which it is well to have just above the table and within reach of the hand, should be all the essentials for convenient work, namely: A meat-block or board; A small meat-saw; A small cleaver and meat-knife;