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McPhee's friend, for she allowed me to convoy her westward, sometimes, to theatres where she sobbed or laughed or shivered with a simple heart; and she introduced me to a new world of doctors' wives, captains' wives, and engineers' wives, whose whole talk and thought centred in and about ships and lines of ships you have never heard of.

McPhee's exploration east of Daly Waters may be said to conclude the expeditions between the Queensland border and the overland line. To complete the exploration of Arnheim's Land, the South Australian Government fitted out an expedition under the guidance of Mr. David Lindsay, but the country passed over was not available for pastoral settlement, some of it being good sugar country. Messrs.

McPhee's enemies were mine, and I was drinking his Madeira. "Ye've heard nothing?" said Janet. "Not a word, not a whisper?" "Not a word, nor a whisper. On my word, I have not." "Tell him, Mac," said she; and that is another proof of Janet's goodness and wifely love. A smaller woman would have babbled first, but Janet is five feet nine in her stockings. "We're rich," said McPhee.

A little maize-wrapped fig of clotted Madeira cigars went with the wine, and the rest was a pale blue smoky silence; Janet, in her splendour, smiling on us two, and patting McPhee's hand. "We'll drink," said McPhee, slowly, rubbing his chin, "to the eternal damnation o' Holdock, Steiner & Chase." Of course I answered "Amen," though I had made seven pound ten shillings out of the firm.