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Even his own son was to be used to help in the gaining of that one end. The new scheme, in its essential, held the simplicity of genius. He would, single-handed, float the Hudson Bay company with Matheson's name at the head of the prospectus, whether Matheson assented or not.

I'm ashamed to find myself suspecting that half of Mary Matheson's mature beauty in my eyes may have been romance, and half the romance mystery, and half of that the unsettling discovery that the other sex does not fade at seventeen and wither quite away at twenty, as had been taken somehow for granted.

When the revelation of Matheson's death came to light as it inevitably must in the course of time Letchmere would be so far involved that he would be forced to shoulder responsibility for the use of Matheson's name. To try to rush matters with Sir Francis would perhaps wreck the whole delicate machinery of the scheme.

The shaven lip, the scar across the forehead, the differences of hair and collar and tie and dress had combined to make a thorough disguise. Yet when the visitor entered by the farther door of the throne-room and came striding resolutely down the thirty yards of carpet, Lars Larssen knew him. The carriage and walk were Matheson's. For a moment hot rage possessed him.

Matheson's room, which was bright with pretty chintzes, books and water-colours, and had a bow-window looking on the garden. Still Delia said nothing, beyond an absent Yes or No, or a perfunctory word of praise. Winnington became very soon conscious of some strong tension in her, which was threatening to break down; a tension evidently of displeasure and resentment.