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"Liverwort. Its name is Marchantia." "This liverwort; I never should have supposed it was anything but pretty, and of course good for something; but now I never heard anything so wonderful." "More than the sun?" said Dr. Sandford smiling. "It is more surprising, I think," said Daisy. "Pray, what makes you conclude so securely that this little Marchantia is good for something?"

And looking through this, you will see what you could not see with your two eyes alone; there are some strong magnifying glasses here and I found to-day some plants of Marchantia growing in a sheltered place. Here is one of the baskets for you " "Is it on that bit of green leaf?" "Yes, but you can see nothing there. Try this view."

"It is a plant somewhere between the mosses and the lichens in its character it is one of the liverworts, and they are some of the first plants to go in advance of superior vegetation. This is called Marchantia." "And is it wonderful, Dr. Sandford?" "If I could shew it to you, you would think so. Look here, Daisy on the surface of this leaf do you see little raised spots here and there?"

We intended to walk back in the evening, but as the bank where the Marchantia? grew was a mile or two out of the direct road, and it came on rain, we ordered out a postchaise, merely saying we wanted to drive a short way on a road which Mr Kirby indicated to the postilion.

The ground is covered with the best moss-work of the moist lands of the north, made up mostly of the various species of hypnum, with some liverworts, marchantia, jungermannia, etc., in broad sheets and bosses, where never a dust particle floated, and where all the flowers, fresh with mist and spray, are wetter than water lilies.