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Updated: October 29, 2024
In the number for August 6, as I could not get our machiner to print any Comic Bible Sketches just then, I published a serious one, reproduced from an old Dutch Bible of 1669. It represented Moses obtaining a panoramic view of Jehovah's back parts.
''Ord bless you my lord that's to say, sir! exclaimed Buckram, shrugging up his shoulders, and raising his eyebrows as high as they would go, 'he'd be of no use to me, none votsomever shouldn't know what to do with him never do for 'arness besides, I 'ave a werry good machiner as it is at least, he sarves my turn, and that's everything, you know.
"I am not prepared to create for you any new recreations: "'Nam tibi prxterea quod machiner, inveniamque Quod placeat, nihil est; eadem sunt omnia semper. "Give place to others, as others have given place to you. Equality is the soul of equity. Who can complain of being comprehended in the same destiny, wherein all are involved?
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