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Now it happened some years ago that the sheep frequenting these pastures became affected with the disease known as 'liver-rot'; and here we must make a short digression into the domain of pathology. "'Liver-rot' is a disease of quite romantic antecedents. Its cause is a small, flat worm the liver-fluke which infests the liver and bile-ducts of the affected sheep.

A gentle smile illuminated Mr Cupples's face. 'You must not suspect me of empty paradox, he said. 'My meaning will become clearer, perhaps, if I mention some things which do appear to me essentially remarkable. Let me see .... Well, I would call the life history of the liver-fluke, which we owe to the researches of Poulton, an essentially remarkable thing.

Evolution, some illuminating talker had remarked at the Britten lunch table, had led not only to man, but to the liver-fluke and skunk, obviously it might lead anywhere; order came into things only through the struggling mind of man. That lit things wonderfully for us.

Now it happened some years ago that the sheep frequenting these pastures became affected with the disease known as 'liver-rot'; and here we must make a short digression into the domain of pathology. "'Liver-rot' is a disease of quite romantic antecedents. Its cause is a small, flat worm the liver-fluke which infests the liver and bile-ducts of the affected sheep.

The youngster had succumbed to a massive liver-fluke infestation. It was the worst he had ever seen. The bile ducts were thick, calcified and choked with literally thousands of the gray-green leaf-shaped trematodes. "Let's look at the others," he said. Two more post-mortems confirmed the diagnosis. Except for minor differences, the lesions were identical.