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The contrast is happy, and I can not help admiring Leman's lovely smile at the foot of these rugged mountains. At the bend in the banks near St. Maurice-en-Valais, the wind catches us, quite a squall. The lake becomes a sea. At the first roll an Englishwoman becomes seasick. She casts an expiring glance upon Chillon, the ancient towers of which are being lashed by the foam.

Shall a Christian beat us, and wear the virtue of our daughter as it were a leman's favor?

It was not until the 15th, however, that General Leman, the Belgian commander, was conquered in his last stronghold, the northern fort of Loncin. When that fell, the railway system of the Belgian plains lay open to the invaders. Leman's determined stand had delayed the German advance for at least a week, and afforded an extremely valuable respite for the unprepared French and British armies.

Be pitiful to thee, by whom this Holy Temple of Abouthis hath been ravaged, its lands seized, its priests scattered, and I alone, old and withered, left to count out its ruin to thee, who hast poured the treasures of Her into thy leman's lap, who hast forsworn Thyself, thy Country, thy Birthright, and thy Gods! Yea, thus am I pitiful: Accursed be thou, fruit of my loins!

With blacker shadows, ghastlier lights, Emerging as she climbs the sphere; A crowd of apparitions pale! I hold my breath in chill suspense, They seem so exquisitely frail, Lest they should vanish hence. "I breathe again, I freely breathe; Thee, Leman's Lake, once more I trace, Like Dian's crescent far beneath, As beautiful as Dian's face: Pride of the land that gave me birth!

He read me the passage in that Leman's letter, which is pretty much to the effect of what you wrote to me from Miss Lloyd; with this addition, that one Singleton, a master of a Scots vessel, is the man who is to be the principal in this act of violence. I have seen him. He had been twice entertained at Harlowe-place, as my brother's friend.