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Holmes, do you mean to tell me that all the time I was talking to Bannister in this room we had the man prisoner if we had only known it?" "So I read it." "Surely there is another alternative, Mr. Holmes. I don't know whether you observed my bedroom window?" "Lattice-paned, lead framework, three separate windows, one swinging on hinge and large enough to admit a man." "Exactly.

She turns back; and, crossing the room again, goes towards another door; that opening discloses a large closet beyond, in which many dresses and other articles of feminine attire are hanging, like so many Blue Beard's wives. A little window, lattice-paned, illumines this tiny chamber. Portia following her, lays her hand upon her arm. She has changed her tone completely, from command to entreaty.

Fredegond's, lounged lazily in his own neatly padded wickerwork easy-chair, opposite the large lattice-paned windows of his pretty little first-floor rooms in the front quad of Magdalen. 'There's a great deal to be said, Le Breton, in favour of October term, he observed, in his soft, musical voice, as he gazed pensively across the central grass-plot to the crimson drapery of the Founder's Tower.

Holmes, do you mean to tell me that, all the time I was talking to Bannister in this room, we had the man prisoner if we had only known it?" "So I read it." "Surely there is another alternative, Mr. Holmes. I don't know whether you observed my bedroom window?" "Lattice-paned, lead framework, three separate windows, one swinging on hinge, and large enough to admit a man." "Exactly.