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Hst! We will ask his chela. The Ao-chung man refreshed himself, and swelled with pride of leadership. 'We have here, he whispered, 'a kilta whose nature we do not know. 'But I do, said Kim cautiously. The lama drew breath in natural, easy sleep, and Kim had been thinking of Hurree's last words. As a player of the Great Game, he was disposed just then to reverence the Babu.

'All their books are in the large kilta with the reddish top books and reports and maps and I have seen a King's letter that either Hilas or Bunar has written. They guard it most carefully. They have sent nothing back from Hilas or Leh. That is sure. 'Who is with them? 'Only the beegar-coolies. They have no servants. They are so close they cook their own food. 'But what am I to do?

I will kindly shut the door. It is a pity you are sick. Are you very sick? 'The papers the papers from the kilta. The maps and the murasla! He held out the key impatiently; for the present need on his soul was to get rid of the loot. 'You are quite right. That is correct Departmental view to take. You have got everything? 'All that was handwritten in the kilta I took.

She raised the heavy kilta like a toy and slung it into her own hut. 'Out and bar the door! Let none come near till it is finished, said Kim. 'But afterwards we may talk? Kim tilted the kilta on the floor a cascade of Survey-instruments, books, diaries, letters, maps, and queerly scented native correspondence.

It is a far cry from Simla to Chini, and farther from Shamlegh to Shamlegh-midden. 'So be it, but I carry the big kilta. The basket with the red top that the Sahibs pack themselves every morning. 'Thus it is proved, said the Shamlegh man adroitly, 'that they are Sahibs of no account.