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"They swore Stalky ought to have been born a Pathan, and 'member we nearly had a row in the fort when Rutton Singh said Stalky was a Pathan? Gad, how furious the old chap was with my Jemadar! But Stalky just waggled his finger and they shut up. "Old Rutton Singh's sword was half out, though, and he swore he'd cremate every Khye-Kheen and Malo't he killed.

"We got into a mess up in the Khye-Kheen Hills a couple o' years ago, and Stalky pulled us through. That's all." McTurk gazed at Tertius with all an Irishman's contempt for the tongue-tied Saxon. "Heavens!" he said. "And it's you and your likes govern Ireland. Tertius, aren't you ashamed?" "Well, I can't tell a yarn. I can chip in when the other fellow starts bukhing. Ask him."

He had then listen to this! crossed over a ridge that paralleled their rear, walked half a mile behind that, and come out on the left of their line where the gorge gets shallow and where there was a regular track between the Malo't and the Khye-Kheen camps. That was about two in the morning, and, as it turned out, a man spotted him a Khye-Kheen.

Stalky's notion was to crawl out at dusk with his Sikhs, manoeuvre 'em along this ungodly goat-track that he'd found, to the back of the Khye-Kheen position, and then lob in a few long shots at the Malo'ts when the attack was well on. 'That'll divert their minds and help to agitate 'em, he said. 'Then you chaps can come out and sweep up the pieces, and we'll rendezvous at the head of the gorge.

They were rather homesick, but they cheered up when they recognized some of my chaps, who had been in the Khye-Kheen row, and they made a rippin' good lot. It's rather more than three hundred miles from Fort Everett to where I picked 'em up. Now, Pussy, tell 'em the latter end o' Stalky as you saw it." Abanazar laughed a little nervous, misleading, official laugh. "Oh, it wasn't much.