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McGivney remarked that she had been playing with Peter even then she had been in Guffey's pay at that time, collecting evidence to put Pashtian el Kalandra in jail and break up the cult of Eleutherinian Exoticism. She had done many such jobs for the secret service of the Traction Trust, while Peter was still traveling around with Pericles Priam selling patent medicine.

Working for that hell-blasted scoundrel Kalandra " and Guffey added some dreadful words, descriptive of the loathsome vices of which the Chief Magistrian had been accused. "And you mixed up in that kind of thing!" "I never done anything like that!" cried Peter wildly. "I didn't even know for sure." "Tell that to the jury!" sneered Guffey.

It had been that way in the orphans' home where Peter had spent a part of his childhood till he ran away. It had been that way again in the great Temple of Jimjambo, conducted by Pashtian el Kalandra, Chief Magistrian of Eleutherinian Exoticism.

Pashtian el Kalandra, who called himself the Chief Magistrian of Eleutherinian Exoticism, gave himself out to his followers to be eighty years of age, but as a matter of fact he was less than forty. He was supposed to be a Persian prince, but had been born in a small town in Indiana, and had begun life as a grocer-boy.

"Shut up, you nut! Maybe you didn't talk about the Goober case, but you talked about yourself. Didn't you tell somebody you'd worked with that fellow Kalandra?" "Y-y-yes, sir." "And you knew the police were after him, and after you, too?" "Y-y-yes, sir." "And you said you'd been arrested selling fake patent medicines?" "Y-y-yes, sir." "Christ almighty!" cried Guffey.