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At last Hooliam produced a pack of cards and a game of "jack-pot" was started on the shore. This constituted frank defiance; and Garth took instant action. "Put up those cards!" he commanded. The boys laughed and looked at Hooliam. "Get on board the boat," Garth ordered, through Charley. Hooliam's eyes bolted; but he made no move.

As Uncle Bill Griswold came breathless from the raging whiteness outside with an armful of bark and wood, the two long icicles hanging from the ends of his mustache made him look like an industrious walrus. He drew the fuel beside the tiny, sheet-iron camp stove, and tied fast the flap of the canvas tent. "We're in a jack-pot, all right."

They swept the jack-pot into his lap, handfuls of shining silver. The pedler blinked at the sight. "Good morning and Merry Christmas," they shouted. "We just had Bellevue on the 'phone, and Hansche is all right. She will be out to-day. The gas poisoned her, that was all. For that the police will settle with the landlord, or we will.

The little room was foul with tobacco smoke and electric with ill-repressed excitement, yet he played on imperturbably, apparently hearing nothing, seeing nothing, his entire personality concentrated on his play. Suddenly he forced the fight to a finish. The opportunity came in a jack-pot which Hawes had opened. The betting began with a cool thousand. Then Hampton's turn came.

"Call it the Grand Combination Sweep, then," cries he. "For I go you better. Look here, men, I make up this jack-pot to two hundred and fifty dollars, American gold coin." "Thank you, Captain Nares," said I; "that was handsomely done." "It was kindly meant," he returned.

"Let's get down to cases," the cowpuncher continued. "I kind of got the Greaser into this here jack-pot an' it's up to me to get him out. He lays four bits on the thirteen she pays thirty-five that's seventeen-fifty. Eighteen, as she lays. The blame fool leaves it lay an' she win again that's thirty-five times eighteen. Good Lord! An' without no pencil an' paper!