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Some of his friends, no doubt, advised Isaac’s grandmother to apprentice him to a clockmaker; for, besides his mechanical skill, the boy seemed to have a taste for mathematics, which would be very useful to him in that profession.

He then told her who he was, and she ran and told her father that his nephew had come, Isaac’s son, and Laban was filled with joy, and kissed Jacob and brought him to his house, where he dwelt a month as a guest. But Laban deceived him, and gave him Leah instead, and Jacob was compelled to serve another seven years before he obtained her.

Even a puff of wind from Isaac’s mouth, or from a pair of bellows, was sufficient to set the sails in motion. Andwhat was most curiousif a handful of grains of wheat were put into the little hopper, they would soon be converted into snow-white flour. Isaac’s playmates were enchanted with his new windmill.

On Christmas-day, in the year 1642, Isaac Newton was born, at the small village of Woolsthorpe, in England. Little did his mother think, when she beheld her new-born babe, that he was destined to explain many matters which had been a mystery ever since the creation of the world. Isaac’s father being dead, Mrs. Newton was married again to a clergyman, and went to reside at North Witham.

"He’ll make a capital workman, one of these days," she would probably say. "No fear but what Isaac will do well in the world, and be a rich man before he dies." It is amusing to conjecture what were the anticipations of his grandmother and the neighbors, about Isaac’s future life.