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But mein, vat you call?—introdogtions zey are not inside, zat is zey are from off. Not von, all, every single gone to ze gontry or to abroad. I am alone, I eat my dinner in zolitude, I am pleased to meet you, sare.” A cork popped and the champagne frothed into the stranger’s glass. Raising it to his lips, he said, “Prosit!”

The Baron Rudolph von Blitzenberg, as I have said, had a warm heart. He was, besides, alone in one hundred and twenty square miles of strangers and foreigners when he had happened upon this congenial spirit. He began in a tone of the most ingenuous friendliness— “I haf no friends here. My introdogtions zey are gone. Bot I haf moch money, and I vish a, vat you say?—showman, ha, ha, ha!

You vil vunder, Bonker,” he said, “how I did gom to know ze Lady Grillyer.” “I envied, certainly,” replied his friend, with a side glance at the now purring Countess. “She vas of my introdogtions, bot till after you vent out zis morning I did not lairn her name. Zen I said to myself, ‘Ze sun shines, Himmel is kind! Here now is ze fair Lady Grillyermy introdogtion!’ and zo zat is how, you see.”

Zere are some nobles in town. In my paper I see Lord zis, Duke of zat, in London. Pairhaps my introdogtions might be here now.” This suggestion seemed to strike Mr Bunker unfavourably. “My company is beginning to pall, is it, Baron?” “Ach, no, dear Bonker! I vould merely go out jost vunce or tvice. Haf you no friends now in town?” An idea seemed to seize Mr Bunker.