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It is impossible to suppose that any daily newspaper could normally regard the making of Pittsburgh Surveys, or even Interchurch Steel Reports, as one of its tasks. Released from jail just before the afternoon game started, he rushed into his waiting automobile, and made up for time lost in jail by breaking the speed laws on his way to the ball grounds.

I see by the Advocate that the Presbyterian General Assembly has voted to quit the Interchurch World Movement. That " "George! Did you hear what I said? You must be home in time to dress to-night." "Dress? Hell! I'm dressed now! Think I'm going down to the office in my B.V.D.'s?" "I will not have you talking indecently before the children! And you do have to put on your dinner-jacket!"

Fourteen Protestant churches combined in an Interchurch Committee to secure united action, and the Federal Council of Churches recorded itself against the prevailing laxness. The purpose of all this group action was to check abuses and to create a more sensitive public opinion, especially among moral and religious leaders. In Great Britain, on the other hand, divorce had always been difficult.

In a recent report of the Interchurch Movement, based on a survey of American Education, prevailing conditions that now threaten the safety of State and Church are openly imputed to the neglect of religious training of childhood and youth in the schools.

Inside of a year the steel industry reduced wages thirty percent, in three like installments; and the twelve-hour day and the seven-day week, which had figured among the chief causes of the strike of 1919 and for which the United States Steel Corporation was severely condemned by a report of a Committee of the Interchurch World Movement, has largely continued as before.

THESE CHILDREN, WITH THEIR ORIGINALITY AND ESOTERIC TENDENCIES WILL BRING ON A REVOLUTION ON YOUR PLANET THAT WILL END BY DESTROYING YOUR THREADBARE DOGMATISM. This tendency is evidenced by the recent failure of the Interchurch movement. It has been the habit on your planet that you cannot accomplish anything without raising immense sums of money.