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'Quid multiplicati sunt gui tribulant me! intoned Mary Antony, within. . . . 'Most dear and Reverend Mother, crooned Sister Mary Rebecca, at midnight, 'I have something of deepest importance to say' 'Dixit insipiens, was Mary Antony's appropriate response. Eh, and Sister Mary Rebecca, thinking none could observe her, had already been round, in the moonlight, and attempted to climb a tree.

The hostess, working with her comfortable sway of the hips, drove them gently through the door to let a silence fall; but gradually Udal's jaw closed, his eyes grew smaller, he started suddenly and the muscles of his knees regained their tension. The hostess, swishing her many petticoats beneath her, sat down again on the stool. 'Insipiens et infacetus quin sum! the magister mused.

On the other side, Omnis insipiens arrogantiâ et plausibus capitur, Every foole is taken with his owne pride and others flatteryes: and this foole keeps company so much with all great wise men, that hardly with a candle and lantern can they be discernd betwixt.

The Psalmist was not always complaisant or even temperate in his language, but he lived a long time ago and must be pardoned; his curt summary stands: "Dixit insipiens!" But the writer vows that if he were addicted to the pursuit of any branch of physical knowledge he would insist upon being called by the name of that branch.

"O seclum insipiens et inficetum!" I think the ancients had more reason to be angry with those who compared Plautus with Terence, though much nearer the mark, than Lucretius with Virgil. That which makes them so load themselves with matter is the diffidence they have of being able to support themselves with their own strength.