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In chamber 16 were large dome-shaped jar sealings, with the name of Azab, and on one of them the ink-written signs of the "King's ka." The entrance passage has been closed with rough brick walling at the top. It is curiously turned askew, as if to avoid some obstacle, but the chambers of the tomb of Den do not come near its direction.

Letter by letter the milk evaporated, leaving the sheet perfectly clean and white except for the ink-written message. This sheet he folded, placed in an envelope, and addressed. Later the guard passed along the corridor, and Signor Petrozinni thrust the letter out to him. "Be good enough to post that, please," he requested. "It isn't sealed.

It lies before me on my writing table now and so, too, does the roll entire, though now a roll no longer, for my eager fingers have unrolled the gilded covering, and all its precious contents are spread out beneath my hungry eyes. Here is a scroll of ink-written music. I don't read music, but I know the dash and swing of the pen that rained it on the page.

It was not like any note she had ever written him before there was no white envelope here, no paper of fine and delicate texture, no ink-written message carefully penned; instead, evidence enough of her desperate haste, the desperate circumstances probably under which she had written it, the message was on a torn piece of brown wrapping paper, and the words, in pencil, were scrawled in hurried, broken sentences.

He tossed away the cigarette he had and lighted a fresh one, afterward holding the note over the flame of the match. Here and there, where the paper charred in the heat, a letter or word stood out from the bare whiteness of the paper, and finally, a message complete appeared between the innocuous ink-written lines.