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From a tower in Industriana a puff of violet light shot up to magnify the signal. The girls, all in their places, rose into the air. Draperies fluttering, like graceful birds they rose, circled over us in an arc; and then in a long, single line, with officers apart to one side marking them in squads of twenty, they sped into the dimness of distance. The tower vehicles now were rising.

Aircraft, such as could so hastily be mustered, swept overhead. A glare of lights everywhere. The shrill voice of the siren stilled, to make audible the broadcast warnings stentorian tones screaming: "The Black Cloud of Death! Escape from the city! Escape to Industriana!" Warning, advice, command! But over it all, the breath of the black cloud now lay heavy. The lights were dimmed by it.

Refugees a quarter perhaps of the inhabitants had escaped; hourly the search patrols were picking them up, bringing them to Industriana. Rescue parties were searching the city, to find any who might still be alive.

All darkness and silence the brooding silence of death. I was still dazed. Maida Georg; they seemed like people in a dream long faded. Industriana! They were going to the Rhaal City of Industriana. I had been trying to get there. I must get there now join them. I climbed to my feet; the edge of a forest was nearby and with wavering steps I started toward it.

Industriana, greatest commercial and manufacturing center of Venus, had been given over momentarily to the preparations for war. The Rhaals had at last turned from industry to the conquest of Tarrano. Preparations were almost completed; our armies were to start within a very few times of sleep. I had had no experience in warfare; but the history of our Earth had told me much of it.