United States or Madagascar ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The janitors, all political appointees, Independent-Conservative party-hacks, secure in their jobs, had laughed derisively. The building superintendent, without troubling to rise, had answered him: "Young man, you don't want to get off on the wrong foot, here," he had said. "This here's the way this school's always been run, an' it's gonna take a lot more than you to change it."

"Obviously, we should know, by about thirteen hundred, what's being planned." "Right, sir." Lancedale's spy at Independent-Conservative headquarters nodded and vanished from the screen. "What does it sound like to you, Frank?" Lancedale asked. "China is obviously a code-designation for some place in downtown Manhattan, where the Conservative goon gangs are being concentrated.

And I question whether or not Graves and Joyner know that." "I think they do. If they don't, it's not because I've failed to point it out to them. Of course, there are the Independent-Conservative grafters; a lot of them are beginning to hear jail doors opening for them, and they're scared. But I think routine body-guarding ought to protect Pelton from them, or from any isolated fanatics."

"Some of our semantics experts could make the joke of the year out of it by the time the polls open tomorrow. The Fraternities bribing their worst enemy to attack them, so that he can ruin their business; who's been listening to a tape of 'Alice in Wonderland' at Independent-Conservative headquarters?" "That would work," Lancedale agreed.

For instance, a lone Independent-Conservative partisan broke up a Radical-Socialist mass meeting preparatory to a march to demonstrate in Double Times Square, by applying his pocket lighter to one of the heat-sensitive boxes in the building and activating the sprinkler system.

"There must be about five hundred Independent-Conservative storm troopers in the store," Slater was saying. "Most of them got here after we did. The city cops have all the street approaches roped off; they're letting nobody but Grant Hamilton's thugs in." "They were fairly friendly this morning," Cardon said. "Mayor Jameson must have passed the word."