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Concerning this, Pandolfo Collenuccio, a member of Cardinal Ippolito's suite in Rome, wrote to the Duke of Ferrara, December 25, 1498 , as follows: El S. de Pesaro ha scripto qua de sua mano: non haverla mai cognosciuta ... et esser impotente, alias la sententia non se potea dare.... El prefato S. dice però haver scripto così per obedire el Duca de Milano et Aschanio.

They sometimes asked which of the two was really the object of his admiration; and as he still made no further advances at the same time that he continued his gallant protestations, "these ladies," says Mazarin, "si esamina la mia vita e si conclude che io sia impotente." La Rochefoucauld, Memoirs, p. 383.

2 "El S. de Pesaro ha scripto qua de sua mano non haverla mai cognosciuta et esser impotente, alias la sententia non se potea dare.

Likewise do thei with bothe sortes, when thei waxe croked for age, or become impotente: where broughte, what by the one meanes and the other, none of them die for age.

Pues el mundo moral está regido por las mismas leyes que el físico y si el poder del hombre es impotente para suprimir una molécula de los espacios necesaria a la gravitación universal, menos podrá contener la generación de las ideas elaboradas en la conciencia y ansiosas de encarnar en los fecundos senos de la vida y de la realidad.