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"If we didn't now live in such a huggery-muggery way, I should always dress. I do everywhere else." Betty looked at him, and her face deadened. Though she would hardly have admitted it, even to herself, she regretted the way in which everything at Old Place was now allowed to go "slack." She knew it to be bad for her sisters.

They should be married in the face of day, as the Kellys ought, with all their friends round them. "They'd have no huggery-muggery work, up in a corner; not they indeed! why should they? for fear of Barry Lynch? who cared for a dhrunken blackguard like that? not she indeed! who ever heard of a Kelly being afraid of a Lynch?

Huggery-Muggery is pi'son to me, squoire. 'We all know that when you've made up your mind, you have made up your mind. 'I hove. It's made up ever so as to Ruby. What sort of a one is her aunt now, squoire? 'She keeps lodgings; a very decent sort of a woman I should say. 'She won't let the Baro-nite come there?

And Martin'll be here soon I wondher what good Dublin'll do him? They might have the Repale without him, I suppose? And when he's here, why, av' he's minded to marry her, and she's plased, why, Father Geoghegan may come down, and do it before the whole counthry, and who's ashamed? But there'll be no huggery-muggery, and schaming; that is, av' they're said by me.