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The clucking of a bird of the gallinaceous order, called the hocco Crax alector interrupted our discussion, and my two companions carefully proceeded towards a dark-foliaged tree, a little outside the edge of the forest. The clucking suddenly ceased; we heard the report of a gun, and I saw three of them fly away into the forest.

The hannaquoi, which some have compared to the pheasant, though with little reason, is very common. Here are also two species of the powise, or hocco, and two of the small wild turkeys called maroudi; they feed on the ripe fruits of the forest, and are found in all directions in these extensive wilds.

"So there is; forward! forward!" Five minutes after we reached an open spot bathed in sunshine amidst a thicket of tree-ferns and high grass. The trees, placed more widely apart, were covered with gigantic creepers drooping to the ground. Here we again heard the note of the hocco. While I was clearing the ground, Sumichrast and l'Encuerado took up a position amidst the bushes.

I proposed to Sumichrast to regain as soon as we could the mountain path. "Let us keep on one day more," said my friend; "we have still four bottles of water left, and even if we give Lucien and Gringalet the largest share, it will serve us for another twenty-four hours." The next day, just as we were starting, l'Encuerado killed a hocco.

The hannaquoi, which some have compared to the pheasant, though with little reason, is very common. Here are also two species of the powise, or hocco, and two of the small wild turkeys called maroudi: they feed on the ripe fruits of the forest and are found in all directions in these extensive wilds.