United States or Saint Martin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

There had been the usual foretaste of winter, rather sharp for Avonmouth, and though a trifle to what it was in less sheltered places, quite enough to make the heliotropes sorrowful, strip the fig-trees, and shut Colonel Keith up in the library.

The long windows were opened, and through them one saw the rippling of the rich green foliage in the park; the large iron balconies were filled with flowers, fragrant mignonette, lemon-scented verbenas, purple heliotropes, all growing in rich profusion. The spray of the little scented fountain sparkled in the sun.

For, first, he was suddenly surprised by an overpowering sweetness of heliotropes; it was as if his garden had been planted with this flower from end to end, and the hot, damp night had drawn forth all their perfumes in a breath. Now the heliotrope had been Marjory's favourite flower, and since her death not one of them had ever been planted in Will's ground. "I must be going crazy," he thought.

"Did you ever see geraniums and heliotropes growing in such luxuriance?" asked one of the ladies. "Only in my own state," replied a Californian. "There the plants grow to immense size and bloom in profusion." "Do not forget charming Funchal," said another.

Oh, how very hard it was to be poor, he thought, looking enviously at the costly carriage, with a pair of splendid grays, standing before the door. "Stop, little boy!" said a sweet voice from somewhere among the roses and heliotropes. "Is your mother sick?" Arch removed his cap some inborn spirit of courtesy prompting him to be reverent toward the glorious vision which burst upon him.