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The chances were at least even of its being available on Christmas-eve, and of Santa Claus having thus done him a good turn after all. Then there was the snug berth in the sandbox you could curl all up in. Nibsy thought with regret of its being, like the hay-barge, so far away and to windward too.

The hay-barge was hit three times, but not a scar was on the gunboat when she stopped before the water-front of New Madrid after twenty minutes' run through that dreadful fire. And now the roar of the great guns had died away, and the men on the vessels of the flotilla up the river were all anxiety to know what had been the fate of their gallant comrades on the "Carondelet."

He weighed in his mind the merits of two or three places where he was in the habit of hiding from the "cops" when the alley got to be too hot for him. There was the hay-barge down by the dock, with the watchman who got drunk sometimes, and so gave the boys a chance.

A tarpaulin was spread upon the snow and upon it he laid his burden, while the silent crowd made room and word went over to the hospital for the doctor to come quickly. Very gently they lifted poor little Nibsy for it was he, caught in his berth by a worse enemy than the "cop" or the watchman of the hay-barge into the ambulance that bore him off to the hospital cot, too late.