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George slew; but as the common lizard was the largest reptile in Polynesia, this, too, was an heirloom from another land. In the old Havaii probably Java they must have known those fierce crocodiles that I have seen drag down a horse drinking in the river at Palawan, and noted swimming in the open sea between Siassi and Borneo.

Havaii or Havaiki is, of course, the fabled place whence came the Polynesians, as it is also the name of that underworld to which their spirits return after death. One might read into this fact a dim groping of the Marquesan mind toward "From dust he came, to dust returneth," or, more likely, a longing of the exiled people for the old home they had abandoned.

We would attend the fa'a-Rua, which we now call the ha'a-Piti, the wind that blows both ways, for we waited for the northeast or southwest trade-winds according to the direction we made for." The chief lifted his glass of wine, and chanted: "Aue mouna, mouna o Havaii! Havaii tupu ai te ahi veavea!" "Hail! mighty mountains, mountains of Havaii! Havaii where the red, flaming fire shoots up high!"

I plunged into the river, and returning to my house was about to dress that is, to put on my pareu when a shriek arose from the forest. It was sudden, sharp, and agonizing. "Aumia mate i havaii" said Exploding Eggs, approaching to build the fire.

So strongly did the old feeling still prevail that only three or four of her friends could be persuaded by the nuns to accompany the coffin up the trail. Exploding Egg's consignment of Aumia to Havaii, the underworld, spoke strongly of the clinging of his people to their old beliefs in the destiny of the spirit after death.