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Lizzie held out a grubby palm with a half-crown in it: "I wants my doll back, if you please, miss." "But you sold it." "I didn't mean to. You took me so sudden." "I gave you ever so much more than it was worth. Why, I don't believe it cost you three ha'pence!" "Tuppence," said Lizzie. "Then you don't know when you're well off. Go away." "'Tisn't that, miss " "What is it, then?"

"How can we tell which is which when they're all alike as two ha'pence?" growled Ben, but he received no answer, as both Mr. Duff and Ralph were intent on the duty before them. The crack of the Winchesters soon diverted attention from the villagers to an extent that enabled them to recover somewhat from their panic. The rapid hail of balls that hardly ever missed their aim disconcerted the enemy.

Tink said that the shadow was in the big box. She meant the chest of drawers, and Peter jumped at the drawers, scattering their contents to the floor with both hands, as kings toss ha'pence to the crowd. In a moment he had recovered his shadow, and in his delight he forgot that he had shut Tinker Bell up in the drawer.

If we had the pack, my brother Denis and the gasoons would be ready enough to get up from their sleep before the fire, and play cards with me for ha'pence, or eggs, or nothing at all; but the pack is gone bad luck to the thief who took it!" "And why don't you buy another?" "Is it of buying you are speaking? And where am I to get the money?" "Ah! that's another thing!" "Faith it is, honey!