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Gus eagerly acknowledged Bill as possessing a genius for mechanical construction and invention, without which the comrades would get nowhere in such efforts, even admitting Gus's skill and cleverness with tools. But when it came to having hunches and good luck concerning matters of human mystery, Gus was the king pin.

"She's lost or strayed, but not stolen," said Amarilly. "Bobby, you put an ad in that paper you deliver at once," commanded Mrs. Jenkins. "Some poor people air feelin' bad over the loss of their cow." It was considered only fair that the cow should pay for her meal. She was overstocked with milk, and graciously and gratefully yielded to Gus's efforts to relieve her of her load.

He was insured by our house for 5,000l. And now I saw very well the truth of a remark of Gus's viz., that life-assurance companies go on excellently for a year or two after their establishment, but that it is much more difficult to make them profitable when the assured parties begin to die.

They would be at Gus's, in the back room, drinking to the success of their scheme, and Gus, who was a German too, would be with them, offering a round of drinks on the house now and then as his share of the night's rejoicing. Gus, who was already arranging to help draft-dodgers by sending them over the Mexican border.

"Our informer is tending bar at Gus's. Herman listens and drinks their beer, but he's got the German fear of authority in him. He's a beer socialist. That's all." But in that Mr. Dunbar left out of account the innate savagery that lurked under Herman's phlegmatic surface. "You don't think it would do if she was moved to another office?" "The point is this." Dunbar moved his chair forward.